For the first time Bill+George is offering its largest deluxe studio space for rent.
The current studio artist is a video artist slash animator slash motion graphics dude, and after 3 and half happy years at Bill+George, is heading over the seas.
Bill+George is an artist led studio complex with 11 artists working across art forms: We have designers, coders, installation artists, sculptors, video and sound artists, writers and a tango dancer. Our beautiful warehouse is oh so conveniently located equidistant from Central Station across Prince Alfred Park or Redfern station down George st towards Cleveland st.
Yes it's an exciting part of town. And we love it. We found our old warehouse in 2006 derelict and lonely; we brought her back to life giving her a rehearsal and collaborative space in the centre, a sun drenched open kitchen, a palatial bathroom with hot tub included, and a foyer space which leads into our own dedicated library of small press publications.
The lockable 40 square metre studio is $1200 (incl. GST) per month including all utilities. Available 1st of april.
We are looking for a similar company (design/graphics/web) to take up this big space and call it your own. Or maybe you work in some other nook of the creative industry spectrum. If you are interested please send though an expression of interest with who you are what you do and a rough guide as to how you would be using your studio including the number of people who work with you.
Email: Rebecca Conroy
info at billandgeorge dot org
Check us out at
or for more direct enquiries call Rebecca on 0413763814
We can't wait to meet youse.